Summer's End Dinner

Appetizer: Beer Batter Calimari

Salad: Parmesan Garlic Broccoli and Tomato Salad

Side Dish: Samuel Adams Summer Ale Risotto

Entrée: Garlic & Beer Shrimp Kabobs with Black and Tan Steak

Dessert: Bananas in Guinness Cream


Beer Batter Calimari


2-1/2 pounds squid

1-1/2 cups rye flour

1 tbsp peanut oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 cans or bottles of beer (12 ounces each)

5 egg whites, beaten until stiff but not dry

4 cups vegetable oil

2 bunches curly parsley


To clean squid, remove purplish skin and separate head and tentacles from the body. Separate tentacles from the head and discard the head. Remove and discard the transparent quill from the body. Wash out the interior of the squid body. Dry on paper towels. Cut squid body into 1/2-inch-wide rings; leave tentacles uncut.

In a mixing bowl, combine flour, 1 tablespoon peanut oil, salt and pepper and whisk to combine. Whisk in beer a little at a time. Carefully fold in the egg whites.

Heat oil in a deep-fryer to 375 degrees F. Dip the squid rings and tentacles into the batter and fry in the deep fat for 2-1/2 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Keep warm.

Dry the parsley very well and plunge into the deep fat for 20 seconds. Drain on paper towels. Arrange the squid in a ring on a large platter and top with the parsley. Serve hot.

Yield: 4 servings

Parmesan Garlic Broccoli and Tomato Salad


Broccoli (1 average-sized head, per person)

Parmesan cheese (half a cup or so)

Chopped garlic (as much as you want)

Salt and pepper

Olive oil (a few tablespoons)

Yellow and orange tomatoes (1 of each, per person)

Balsamic dressing


Steam the broccoli, then mix it gently with the olive oil. Shake in the parmesan cheese and chopped garlic (to your preference), then add salt and pepper to taste.

Chop up the tomatoes length-wise into meaty slices, then arrange on a small plate and splash on just a bit of balsamic dressing.

Samuel Adams Summer Ale Risotto


61/2 cups chicken stock

1 stick unsalted butter

2 peeled and finely chopped onions

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon finely crushed saffron threads

2 cups uncooked Arborio rice

1 1/2 cups of Samuel Adams Summer Ale

2 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat stock to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and set aside. In a heavy deep skillet, melt 4 teaspoons butter over medium heat. When foam subsides, add onion, basil, and saffron. Saute until limp, stirring constantly. Add rice and stir until covered with butter and heated through. Add Samuel Adams, stirring constantly. Lower heat to medium simmer. Ladle in another cup of stock. Continue until all stock has been added. When rice absorbs last cup of stock, add remaining butter and Parmesan cheese. Cook until rice is creamy. Season to taste.

Serve immediately. Serves 6-8

Garlic & Beer Shrimp Kabobs


1 pound fresh raw shrimp - medium size in shells

3/4 cup beer

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 cloves fresh garlic - crushed

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon crushed hot pepper

2 tablespoons fresh onion - chopped


Peel shrimp. Make a shallow cut lengthwise down back of each shrimp and wash out vein. Mix remaining ingredients in shallow glass or plastic container. Stir in shrimp. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour.

Remove shrimp - reserve beer marinade. Thread shrimp about 1 inch apart on 15-inch metal skewers. Grill kabobs about 4 inches from heat about 5 minutes, turning and brushing with marinade once, until shrimp are pink.

Serve with melted butter and lemon wedges if desired.

Black and Tan Steak


Whatever type of steak you prefer, and as many servings as required.

2 bottles (12oz) Guinness

3 bottles (12oz) Bass

Worcestershire sauce


Place the steaks in a bowl and splash the Worcestershire sauce on the steaks. Depending on the number of steaks, pour the Guinness in the bowl for your marinade, make sure the steaks are covered with the Guinness. Place in the fridge for 4 hours, turning the steaks in the bowl every hour so the steaks absorb the Guinness evenly.

Next, place the steaks in another bowl, pour two bottles of bass in the bowl, or until steaks are covered. Then take the steaks out to the grill and use the bass in the bowl as a cooking marinade with a brush. coat the bass on evenly periodically while cooking. Enjoy the third Bass while manning the grill.

Eating suggestion: Try dipping the steak in butter while eating.

Bananas in Guinness Cream


4 medium bananas, peeled

2 1/2 cups Irish Stout

3/4 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 cups cream


Place whole bananas in a hot skillet. Pour stout over the bananas and boil for 2 to 3 minutes, flipping the bananas over often. Cover bananas with brown sugar and let the sugar melt. Pour cream over bananas and let simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Serve with ice cream and chocolate sauce, if desired.

Yield: 4